The Process

I began using sand in my artworks during the summer of 2021 with the intention of capturing the beauty of nature. I realized that using nature itself as a medium was the perfect way to accomplish this goal. Sand possesses incredible colors and pigments that we often overlook, but which are essential to my work. Most of the sand I use for my paintings is excavated from my own garden.

As a result of this new endeavor, my passion for painting with sand was born. Through this technique, I strive to capture the beauty I witness in nature on canvas, creating a stunning visual representation of the world around us.

Nature as the Greatest Source of Inspiration

Nature had always been my thread through my artworks.
It offers a vast and diverse array of subject, colors, textures, and patterns that stimulate my imagination and creativity. The constantly changing seasons bring their own unique beauty and characteristics, provides an endless source of inspiration. Nature provides a sense of awe and wonder that I always wanted to translate in my art.


However, I found that I was unable to capture nature’s beauty with just pencil and paint. That’s when I stared using materials from nature. After all, why not use the beauty that’s already there?


I began experimenting with different materials that I found in my surroundings, such as leaves, branches, and stones. Creating art with natural materials became a way of connecting with nature once again. It had a calming effect on my mind an evoked emotions of joy, peace, and tranquility, which were directly reflected in my artwork. I became more aware of the positive impact that nature had on me and started looking at it differently, finding beauty in every little aspect.


I also became more aware of the environment and wanted to protect it as much as possible because it became so much more precious to me. This drove me to create art that is more sustainable and eco-friendlier, which can serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting our natural environment.

Sand as Medium

My main material for my artwork is sand. I use sand to create intricate designs or images on a flat canvas, utilizing different colors and textures to produce a three-dimensional effect and a visually compelling piece.


Most of the sand I use is found in my own backyard. By incorporating nature into my artwork, I began to observe and appreciate the various colors and textures of sand and earth beneath my feet, something I had never truly appreciated before. I found inspiration in the earth itself.


Using sand as a medium is a calming and unique approach to paining. The more I allow the process to unfold, the more the sand takes on a life of its own on the canvas. I enjoy the unpredictability of the outcome, which always showcases the natural beauty of the sand.


For my framework, I use old wood. Old wood can be beautiful because of its natural aging process, texture, history, and sustainability. I love the knots, cracks, and grain patters which add depth to the wood. Old wood gives a unique and organic feel. These qualities make it work well with my artworks.